The Archaeology Graduate Seminar Series

The newly established Graduate Research Seminar is organised by post-graduates from the Department of Archaeology to discuss a wide array of different topics and promote new research in Icelandic archaeology. Selected topics will be debated bi-weekly through lectures, case studies and question & answer sessions. Anyone interested is welcome and encouraged to attend the seminar. A detailed programme of the seminar will be available soon.

Location: Room G 301 in Gimli (on University Campus), Sæmundargötu 10

Time: bi-weekly on Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Organised by: Janis Mitchell ( and Nikola Trbojevic (

First lecture:

January 19th 2012:
Adolf Friðriksson – ‘The quest for Vinland: Kristján Eldjárn’s curious voyage to the West’

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