Archaeology of the recent past in the North Atlantic: problems and potentials
The talk will give a brief overview of the state of later historical archaeology in the North Atlantic, looking at what research has been conducted in Norway, Shetlands, Faroes, Greenland and Atlantic Canada, comparing it to the state of research in Iceland. Some general themes will be drawn out as, in particular it will be argued that research in this area can be used to contest and re-think some of the dominant tropes which have dictated the archaeology of the modern period, specifically, modernity itself. The presentation will aim to be brief, giving more time for discussion and the chance to reflect generally on the problems and potential of later historical archaeology in Iceland.
Staður: Kjallari Fornleifaverndar ríkisins Suðurgötu 39, 101 Reykjavík
Stund: Fimmtudaginn 19. maí 2011, kl. 20.00.
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
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