22.10.2010 | 15:19
Fyrirlestur Dr. Christopher Callow
Mánudaginn 25. október n.k. mun Dr. Christopher Callow halda fyrirlestur sem hann nefnir: What happened in Eyjafjörður from the landnám to c.1260?
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í stofu 423 í Árnagarði og hefst kl. 17.30
Nánari lýsing:
The aim of this paper is to use Eyjafjörður as a case study for trying to understand changes in the nature of socio-political relations within a particular region. My approach will be to examine the portrayals of particular relationships between farms in Eyjafjörður in texts which deal in detail with this region, e.g. Landnámabók, Víga-Glúms saga, Ljósvetninga saga, Guðmundar saga dýra, Íslendinga saga. Each of these says something different about the relationships between major farms in Eyjafjörður (Munkaþverá, Grund, Espihóll, Möðruvellir etc). The question is whether it is significant that a series of texts which are traditionally dated to roughly the same period provide differing accounts. I will suggest that these differences are indeed meaningful and might enable us to say more about political change over a longer time than has sometimes suggested; Íslendingasögur and Landnámabók actually do tell us something about the realities of local politics before many of the samtíðarsögur were written down. This does not mean that we have a clear
idea of local politics before 1100 but we might have a better sense of 12th century politics than has often been suggested.
Dr. Callow kennir sagnfræði og fornleifafræði við háskólann í Birmingham og sérhæfir sig í íslenskri miðaldasögu.
Fyrirlesturinn er á vegum Sagnfræðistofnunar og námsbrautar í fornleifafræði
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn í stofu 423 í Árnagarði og hefst kl. 17.30
Nánari lýsing:
The aim of this paper is to use Eyjafjörður as a case study for trying to understand changes in the nature of socio-political relations within a particular region. My approach will be to examine the portrayals of particular relationships between farms in Eyjafjörður in texts which deal in detail with this region, e.g. Landnámabók, Víga-Glúms saga, Ljósvetninga saga, Guðmundar saga dýra, Íslendinga saga. Each of these says something different about the relationships between major farms in Eyjafjörður (Munkaþverá, Grund, Espihóll, Möðruvellir etc). The question is whether it is significant that a series of texts which are traditionally dated to roughly the same period provide differing accounts. I will suggest that these differences are indeed meaningful and might enable us to say more about political change over a longer time than has sometimes suggested; Íslendingasögur and Landnámabók actually do tell us something about the realities of local politics before many of the samtíðarsögur were written down. This does not mean that we have a clear
idea of local politics before 1100 but we might have a better sense of 12th century politics than has often been suggested.
Dr. Callow kennir sagnfræði og fornleifafræði við háskólann í Birmingham og sérhæfir sig í íslenskri miðaldasögu.
Fyrirlesturinn er á vegum Sagnfræðistofnunar og námsbrautar í fornleifafræði
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